
Ecommerce Catalog Management Tool

Post covid, online purchases by consumers have gone up significantly. As a result more and more companies are adopting to online sales channels and many are opening up e-commerce business units to engage the customers directly. Most important aspect of in selling online is how to showcase your products to customers i. e. deciding on what text, images and attachments, etc. to be shown to the customers so that it becomes easy for the m to make the purchase decision and do the transaction. Creating and managing all of this content is tedious process and requires huge investment in terms of resources, time and money for a company.

What is eCommerce catalog management tool?

In order to effectively manage the entire catalog data like images, text, videos, etc. for better customer experience, online retailers use catalog management tools. Remember, bad catalog data means bad customer experience which ultimately leads to lost sales opportunity. Hence, catalog management tools helps businesses to organise their catalog data efficiently and accurately so that product information can be used across various platforms and helps in increasing the product discovery, which ultimately helps in sales conversion.

Features of a good e-commerce catalog management tool are as follows:

1. Easy to use

This should be the most important criteria for you to select  catalog management tool for your organization. Whenever we think about a tool, we get scared that we will need to train the team and there will be a learning cycle every time we need to a new person in the team. Hence, an easy to use tool should be selected so that it does not require any or little training. E-commerce catalog management tool by CatalogsBuilder is the easiest catalog management tool which has been developed by ex-employees from world’s leading e-commerce company Amazon. No technical expertise are required to use this tool, it is so exceptionally easy to use that even school going kids can use it with virtually no training.

2. Supports all the catalog data for your product

A complete catalog management tool should be able to capture all the data points related to your products like textual content, images, videos, links, and documents, etc.

3. Capture all the product attributes

There are different product attributes like colour, size, weight, and other dimensions that you would need in the respective catalog tool. There are some pre-defined catalog management software tools that are very constrained and do not allow you to add your customized attributes, hence you should always pick a tool which covers all different types of product attributes. CatalogsBuilder provides a catalog management tool that provides industry best customisation support for your business with best in class data protection and backup functionality.

4. Customization support

Do not look for easy and cheap catalog management tools as online retailing is not the end but it is a start of a never ending journey for your growth. Hence, look for solutions that provide you customizable options and preferably who can do all your customization on the tool. This frees you off from the worry of technical know how so that your team can focus on the business growth rather than tool customization.

5. Highly scalable

Often small companies who are start on the online selling journey, look for current fit tools but this is detrimental to organic growth and potential revenue. So the catalog management software that you choose should be able to scale with you. Hence, cloud based ecommerce catalog management tool should be selected.

6. Enterprise Support

When your business grows, it becomes important to make your catalog available online always- 24X7. Any break results in sales loss, hence pick a tool that comes with enterprise level SLA where team is always available to assist you in any situation.

7. Connectors for other platforms

Companies which run their own ecommerce platforms like website or app, they generally have multiple environments like testing environment, production environments, etc. Catalog data needs to be setup on multiple environments for internal review and approval process to ensure quality product information reaches the end customers. This process is a tedious manual process which needs to done across multiple platforms but having a good ecoomerce catalog management tool connects with all of these environments saves team bandwidth and ensures high quality catalog data reaches your end customers.

8. Catalog Review

Putting up accurate and complete product information for is important as it influences the customer decision. Hence, product catalog go through review cycles to ensure all the data points including images, videos, etc. met a very high quality bar. Hence, businesses should choose the tool which comes with the provision of reviews as an inbuilt feature.

9. Easy exports

Data manipulation and analysis is a must now a days for companies to understand their customers better and take right design. A good catalog management software should have the feature of exporting the raw data so that content experts can do their analysis to improve the product catalog quality.


Choosing a right catalog management tool is very important for building and scaling e-commerce business. In the world of online retailing, product catalog is the representation of the product and higher quality catalog leads to more sales. Hence, a good catalog management tools is a must for ecommerce businesses. Catalog management tools like CatalogsBuilder provide all the must have features including the ones mentioned above that businesses need for highly quality product catalogs.

Vikrant Dixit

Vikrant is a veteran in e-commerce industry and has 10+ years of experience in managing different functions like category, planning and cataloging. Vikrant has also tried his hands in B2B sales and is currently, leading sales for CatalogsBuilder.


















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